
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Because He's Sexy...

My purpose in blogging was to offer a gay and nude friendly site celebrating men. One of the ways to make this blog nude-welcoming is to feature images of men in their natural splendor: naked. Now, this picture isn't depicting masculine nudity. I apologize for that shortcoming. But when I saw this, I was awed by the appeal, the sex appeal, the erotic and raw sex appeal of the subject. 

I've written here previously of my attraction to men who have body hair; hairy men. I'm not a fan of men who unnaturally remove what nature has endowed upon them. I've even gone so far, in previous posts, of admitting to my personal wish that I had as much hair on my own chest as I have growing on my ass. I am most assuredly a fur-loving man. I've no apologies for what I like in a man. 

What I haven't before acknowledged here is that I am somewhat partial to thick men. Not necessarily bulky muscles, but I do like a meaty man. This guy fits that bill nicely. His furry thickness plays well into my inner fantasies of a romp between the sheets session with just he and me in the starring roles. What a way to begin or end a day (or anytime for that matter)! 

Naked hugs. 


  1. It's a matter of tastes, before all!

    I prefer men with less hair as possible, to tell you the truth, and I don't like hair on me. I removed my arms armpitts chest hair though a laser treatment, even if I was not so haired! But now I feel myself better, much better. I use to shave my legs at least once in 7/10 days, not forgetting my dick and my balls. In this way I can feel better the tongue of a sucker ;-)

    You know, that's only my point of view!

    Take a look here, on a trainer of a movie on a true sad story:

  2. Happy Spring to you and all your readers
