
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Memory: Hairy Armpits and Basketball

In my profile here on, I've written of my enjoyment of the game of basketball. This sport has remained among my favorites, as both a participant and spectator, since my early days in elementary school. I was never a power player and failed to make the cut for my school teams. I did play in recreation leagues from elementary school through high school and then intramural teams while in college. Currently, I'm on a men's recreation team with my place of employment.

Before making a conscious decision to pursue basketball as my "sport of choice," I was attracted to the game by the uniform: sleeveless jerseys that easily provided a clear view of the hairy armpits of the players. From an early age, before any understanding of sexuality, I was fascinated by this part of the male anatomy. Later in life, I would recognize this attraction as erotic. However, at the age of seven or eight years, all I knew is that I could look at these hairy underarms and feel good about the glimpses available while watching or playing basketball.

I worked on developing the skills that would allow me to qualify for league teams. I practiced and joined in neighborhood pick-up games. I spent hours shooting hoops on my own. I watched pro games on TV. Whenever the opportunity arose, I went with my father to local college games. By now, my game was decent and developed to the point I appreciated the court action. But underlying all this was my obsession with the tufts of hair that sprouted in the male armpit.

When I entered middle school, I was thrilled to see the tentative growth of armpit hairs on my peers and most of all, in my own pits. I remember spending hours in front of the mirror admiring my boyish sprouts and straining my neck to catch a fleeting glance at the pubescent growth on the underarms of my friends. In the communal showers after physical education class, I'd steal looks at the maturing cocks and pubic bush of my fellow students between admiring the views of their sprouting underarm hairs. I'd compare their development to my own.
In a few short years, I'd see all this as the beginning of my evolution as a gay man. While all this was happening, I didn't have a clue except for the mutual masturbation sessions with my buddy. Still several years into the future, this appreciation of hairy male armpits would lead to my self-discovery of my preference for same gender loving nudity.
Nowadays, I don't have the chance to play or watch as much basketball as I'd like. Someone has to pay the bills. But I do catch as much court action, either on TV or live, either as participant or spectator, whenever possible. As to my hairy armpit fetish, it's as strong as ever. It remains a major erotic attraction. That's why I offer a feature on Guys Without Boxers regularly as "Armpits of the Month." Some things in life just don't change.    
Naked hugs. 


  1. very interesting post, even if I don't like hair and I'm not so much into armpitts.
    I sent you a mail Yesterday: hope you got it!

  2. I've always found armpit hair to be sexy. It's just that little glimpse of hair that can drive you wild with list sometimes.

  3. Dear Collegue:
    Hairy arm pits are as sexy as bushy pubes. If a fella has little chest hair no problem, but as long he has hairy pits and pubes boo boo boo boom!!!! I am wild with lustoom!!!! As a teacher(sorry Guy wthout.. and Joe Blow)I know that lustoom is not a word but I am originally italian and we love making up words, I think Umberto Eco is to be blamed for that.
    Naked hugs to all

  4. My best friend growing up called 'em "man feathers" and we couldn't wait to get our own. To me it's just queer (not in a good way) that any guy would shave, trim, manscrape, or otherwise mutilate his natural gifts.
