
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blogging Without Boxers

My intention is for Guys Without Boxers to be an online journal. A collection of thoughts, ideas, sentiments and feelings mixed with some personal experiences. A window on life from the perspective of a man who is both a gay and a nudist. I'm not claiming any authority from either the same gender loving community or the naturist/nudist community. I don't have that right. I'm nothing more than a thirty-something everyday working man trying to survive in this often confusing and conflicting world.
One of the ways that I'm able to survive, aside from my hobbies and sports outlets, is through the camaraderie, fellowship, love and support that I receive from the queer nude fraternity. This brotherhood isn't formal or structured; it's the informal association and involvement with those I believe to be most like myself.
I hope that Guys Without Boxers allows me to share that message with others who may be the same as well as to those who are genuinely exploring their own sexuality or a sincere interest in nudity. In line with this goal, I imagine that this blog serves as an educational or outreach tool as well as a journal. I'm not inflating my role as the author; I'm merely being a realist. When folks question, they seek answers and resources. I know that I needed a reference source when I realized that I'm gay and later when I acknowledged that I'm a nudist.

In addition, I trust that those reading here are entertained. No, I'm not a comedian although I do appreciate humor. The entertainment value is in reading and reflecting upon the subjects covered on this page. My first purpose is to provoke the thought process and then add some fun into the mix. I've found a grin is as good on occasion as a hundred words.

Finally, I plan to follow a publication schedule. Random posts are fine and I'll use them as needed. But having a fixed, set agenda works best for me. I have a life outside of blogging so this method helps me to plan my time accordingly. I expect to publish an entry to Guys Without Boxers every weekend, either Saturday or Sunday. Therefore, my next article will appear during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Whenever possible, I may enter a holiday greeting on the appropriate days.

Thanks for your visiting here.

Naked hugs.     

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